Saturday, September 4, 2010

Abandoned Babies- Who's to blame?

Day in day out we've been bombarded with front page news regarding innocent babies being abandoned near dumpsters. The rare yet still existent human part of us tear up at this sight. Who knew that such a cruel and animalistic act could still occur in these days of globalization? We scream of development but truth be the matter we're still acting like apes. No, forgive me, that would be an insult to apes. Even apes care for their newborns which of course I can't say the same for man.

Who is to blame in this situation?
The lack of sex education?
Maybe condoms and the morning after pill should be given away for free, so everyone can afford it and illegitimate children wouldn't be an issue
No, maybe the problem is our censorship boards aren't working. Malaysia should ban ANYTHING close to porn
Or or.. everyone should be forced to wear a chastity belt. Whoever fails to do so will be fined or imprisoned.

What's your say? Obviously it's not the babies' fault. Blame it on the parents, the government, everyone you can blame.
But apart from playing the blame game, let's think. How do we stop this montrosity?

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